Download PDF Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 3 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban
Arrange the words bellow into correct sentence !
2. teacher - she - is = ....................................
3. am - I - student = ....................................
4. Rina - syrup - drinks = ....................................
5. Santi - cake - eats = ....................................
6. cat - this - is = ....................................
9. Has - Dika - marble = ....................................
10. Pen - this - is = ....................................
11. that - blackboard - is = ....................................
12. monkey - it - is = ....................................
13. eats - cow - plants = ....................................
14. are - these - horses = ....................................
15. story - Rani - writes = ....................................
16. Sinta - book - reads = ....................................
17. Bayu - milk - drinks = ....................................
18. is - Panji - diligent = ....................................
19. these - ducks - are = ....................................
20. apple - I - like = ....................................
21. love - Indonesia - We = ....................................
22. Cahya - fastly - run = ....................................
23. eats - the rabbit - carrot = ....................................
24. mother - vegetable - buys = ....................................
25. plant - father - rice = ....................................
( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 4 Kata Pilihan ) dan Kunci Jawaban )
Kunci Jawaban
1. he - clever - is = He is clever
2. teacher - she - is = She is teacher
3. am - I - student = I am student
4. Rina - syrup - drinks = Rina drinks syrup
5. Santi - cake - eats = Santi eats cake
6. cat - this - is = This is cat
7. Rara - doll - has = Rara has doll
9. Has - Dika - marble = Dika has marble
10. Pen - this - is = This is pen
11. that - blackboard - is = That is blackboard
12. monkey - it - is = It is monkey
13. eats - cow - plants = Cow eats plants
14. are - these - horses = these are horses
15. story - Rani - writes = Rani write story
16. Sinta - book - reads = Sina reads book
17. Bayu - milk - drinks = Bayu drinks milk
18. is - Panji - diligent = Panji is diligent
19. these - ducks - are = These are ducks
20. apple - I - like = I like apple
21. love - Indonesia - We = We love Indonesia
22. Cahya - fastly - run = Cahya run fastly
23. eats - the rabbit - carrot = The rabbits eats carrots
24. mother - vegetable - buys = Mother buys vegetable
25. plant - father - rice = Father plant rice
( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 5 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban )
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