Download PDF Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 7 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban
Arrange the words bellow into correct sentence !
2. my - drinks - father - often - tea - every - morning = .........................................
3. we - on - must - go - to - sechool - time = .........................................
4. family - am - child - I - the first - my - in = .........................................
5. is - the world - football - popular - the most - sport - in = .........................................
6. now - playing - they - basket - right - ball - are = .........................................
8. month - like - read - I - book - one - every = .........................................
9. this - house - Rudi - his - is - renovating - month = .........................................
10. working - I - still - am - on - my - computer = .........................................
11. building - we - of - on - are - the top - this = .........................................
12. mother - is - in - my - the kitchen - cooking - noodle = .........................................
13. aunt - loves - dauhter - always - her - everytime - my = .........................................
14. tells - she - Siska - that - me - will - come = .........................................
15. sunday - go - they - to - the beach - next - on = .........................................
16. times - always - a - pray - I - five - day = .........................................
17. father - washing - is - car - my - his - now = .........................................
18. elder - teacher - my - professional - is - a - brother = .........................................
19. everytime - father - my - me - always - family - all = .........................................
20. the box - idea - is - out - your - of = .........................................
21. son - likes - to - my - after - play - eating = .........................................
22. before - grandfather - newspaper - my - reads - a - working = .........................................
23. excited - with - I - you - am - about - the trip = .........................................
24. elder - director - my - is - a - brother - president = .........................................
25. animal - is - this - cheeta - the fastest - in - world = .........................................
( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 5 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban )
1. always - Santi - face - her - wake up - washes - after = Santi always washes her face after wake up
2. my - drinks - father - often - tea - every - morning = my father often drinks tea every morning
3. we - on - must - go - to - sechool - time = we must go to to school on time
4. family - am - child - I - the first - my - in = i am the first child in my family
5. is - the world - football - popular - the most - sport - in = football is the most popular sport in the world
6. now - playing - they - basket - right - ball - are = they are playing basket ball right now
7. morning - the sun - from - the east - rises - every = the sun rises from the east every morning
8. month - like - read - I - book - one - every = I like read one book every month
9. this - house - Rudi - his - is - renovating - month = Rudi is renovating his house this month
10. working - I - still - am - on - my - computer = I am still working on my computer
11. building - we - of - on - are - the top - this = we are on the top of this buliding
12. mother - is - in - my - the kitchen - cooking - noodle = my mother is cooking noodle in the kitchen
13. aunt - loves - dauhter - always - her - everytime - my = my aunt always loves he daughter severytime
14. tells - she - Siska - that - me - will - come = Siska tells me that she will come
15. sunday - go - they - to - the beach - next - on = they go to the beach on next sunday
16. times - always - a - pray - I - five - day = I always pray five times a day
17. father - washing - is - car - my - his - now = my father is washing his car now
18. elder - teacher - my - professional - is - a - brother = my elder brother is a professional teacher
19. everytime - father - my - me - always - protect = my father always protects all family everytime
20. the box - idea - is - out - your - of = your idea is out of the box
21. son - likes - to - my - after - play - eating = my son likes to play after eating
22. before - grandfather - newspaper - my - reads - a - working = my grandfather reads a newspaper before working
23. excited - with - I - you - am - about - the trip = I m excited about the trip with you
24. elder - director - my - is - a - brother - president = my elder brother is a president director
25. animal - is - this - cheeta - the fastest - in - world = cheeta is the fastest animal in this world
( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 6 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban )
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