Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMK TA 2015/2016 -
Kerjakan soal-soal di bawah ini dengan tepat !
Pilihlah pasangan yang tepat yang ada di dalam kotak (tulis kembali dengan lengkap)
1.Let’ s go to .....
2.I think ...
3.I feel quite ... about this assue.
4.That’s interesting idea ... our idea ismuch better.
5.I am hoping ....
6.I hope ...
7.I hope I will realize....
8.I hope that I will.
9. A: Very well done. Congratulation ! B : ....
10. A: Good .You did it . Your hard work paid at last. ! B:...
1.Let’s go to .... the library
2.I think ... You are mistaken.
3.I feel quite ...agree about this assue.
4.That’s interesting idea ...but I think our idea is much better.
5.I am hoping ...for some good weather tomorrow.
6.I hope ...Andi will not see us when she passes by
7.I hope I will realize... all my dreams.
8.I hope that I will ... never smoke .
9. A: Very well done. Congratulation ! B : ... Thank you.
10. A: Good .You did it . Your hard work paid at last. ! B:...It wasn’t anything. I am hoping for something bigger than this to happen.
Ø You are mistaken. Ø Thank you. Ø agree. Ø but I think Ø Andi will not see us when she passes by | Ø the library. Ø for some good weather tomorrow Ø It wasn’t anything. I am hoping for something bigger than this to happen. Ø never smoke . Ø all my dreams. |
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